Articles about Affordable Housing with Services


Jamboree is dedicated to raising the bar on affordable housing for both workforce and formerly homeless families, seniors and those living with special needs. In a state with real estate and rent prices out of the reach of many people integral to our communities thriving, Jamboree focuses its expertise on the creation and long-term maintenance of innovative housing communities.

Read articles about Jamboree’s award-winning properties, services and leadership to learn more about how our work positively impacts our resident and communities, resulting in both permanent improvements for neighborhoods and changed lives.

Shelter looking for room to grow
November 14, 2013: Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot
Guinida: Clear the Lane
November 14, 2013: OC Weekly
What About a Diamond Aisle in Fullerton?
November 11, 2013: Fullerton Observer (page 9)
Making housing safe and affordable
November 2, 2013: OC Register
A day for play at Woodbridge Park
October 14, 2013: OC Register
Lessons Learned
October 9, 2013: Multi-Housing News
Motel Makeover
September 1, 2013: Affordable Housing Finance (scroll down to read about the Studios at Hotel Berry)
Sustainability Planning Grant
August 20, 2013: Southern California Association of Governments
Big Crowd for Business Journal’s Women in Business Awards
June 4, 2013: Orange County Business Journal
What affordable looks like in Irvine
April 18, 2013: OC Register
Special Section: California
April 1, 2013: Urban Land Institute
A Sterling Achievement
February 1, 2013: Tax Credit Advisor
Courier Place Sets Example with LEED-Platinum Certification
January 21, 2013: Affordable Housing Finance
Room At the Inn
January 1, 2013: Multifamily Executive
A Community With a View
January 1, 2013: Builder & Developer (pages 36-38)
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