The clock is ticking to find a permanent solution for thousands of homeless people throughout Southern California who live in homeless encampments, temporary motel rooms and larger tents in parking lots. The need for permanent solutions to homelessness is front and center.
More than ever, Jamboree is committed to permanent supportive housing with services as the permanent solution – something we’ve proved to be successful for more than a decade.
Jamboree partnered with United Way Orange County to fund a new study conducted by the University of California, Irvine. The study reveals the true costs of homelessness to OC communities, cities and taxpayers.
How much does homelessness cost?
Learn more about the study’s findings on OC’s homeless and how permanent supportive housing with ongoing services saves money and solves homelessness in the “Homelessness in Orange County: The Costs To Our Community" Infographic.
The results of the study dispel commonly held myths about who the homeless are and how their plight affects communities.
In addition, Jamboree’s experience with valuable partners has taught us that while housing options and approaches to homelessness have progressed, the process for getting permanent solutions built has not.
So, what are the real barriers? NIMBYism and outdated codes and restrictions that hamper the efforts of permanent solutions.
As one of Southern California's largest developers of permanent supportive housing with services, Jamboree has developed more than 270 units for those formerly homeless. And, we’re ready to develop another 1,400 units in OC over the next three years. We are working to apply lessons learned here in Orange County to other areas across the Southern California region.
Cities across Orange County are now coming together to plan to build 2,700 units of permanent supportive housing that would house approximately half of the county’s homeless.
Together, let’s overcome our fears, dispel myths, find creative solutions to archaic codes and embrace our own humanity. A permanent solution is knocking on the door. Let’s work to end homelessness in Southern California.
Who do you know at your job, church, school or other areas of influence that needs to be part of this conversation? Invite us to your city hall, community center, or church for a custom presentation.
We have a proven solution and can demonstrate how and why we can successfully end homelessness in your city. In this county of creative, innovative, entrepreneurial leaders, let’s show the rest of California how it’s done. Let’s be the first to open that door to an opportunity to transform lives and strengthen our community.